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Academic Excellence
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Submitted by roby on Mon, 2019-09-02 14:49
- The vision, mission and goals, objectives and strategies for achieving the study program show clear directions regarding the conditions of the study program that are expected in the future.
- The study program quality assurance mechanism is based on the graduate school quality assurance.
- Public interest in the study program has increased along with the increase in the need for the qualifications
- The students come from various provinces in Indonesia, both Java and outside Java. Therefore, it quickly gives influence to the regions.
- The average graduates’ GPA is relatively high (average 3.74) with a tendency to increase and the number of cumlaude graduates with a study period under 2 years (24 months) reaches 33%.
- The formation of alumni and student associations (AAM) as a medium for the alumni communication spread throughout Indonesia even in Ghana, Ethiopia, Laos, Cambodia, Bangladesh and Thailand.
- Many graduates have held significatnt and important positions in their workplace.
- Lecturers who are recruited are experts in their fields.
- Monitoring the activities of lecturers in the teaching and learning process is conducted periodically through a check sheet / check list that is updated every time the learning process is carried out.
- Available lecture guidelines include curriculum books, syllabus, academic rules, and the guidance of the preparation of the final assignment and thesis
- The curriculum content has been adjusted to the competencies expected by the graduates.
- Adequate facilities to support the implementation of PPM are available.
- Collaboration with stakeholders that enables research and community service are conducted.
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