Menyelenggarakan program double degree tingkat Doktor (Ph.D) antara University of Technology Dresden Germany dengan Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta. Universitas Teknologi Dresden adalah universitas negeri yang masuk sepuluh universitas unggulan di Jerman. Universitas ini terletak di kota Dresden, ibukota negara bagian Saxony Jerman, mempunyai empat departemen dengan beberapa fakultas;

1.     Department sciences

•      Faculty of Science

2.     Department Humanities and Social Sciences

•      Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Social Science

•      Faculty of Linguistics, Literature and Cultural Studies

•      Faculty of Education

•      Faculty of Law

•      Faculty of Business and Economics

3.     Department Engineering

•      Faculty of Computer Science

•      Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

•      Faculty of Mechanical Engineering

•      Faculty of Civil Engineering

•      Faculty of Architecture

•      Faculty of Transportation and Traffic Sciences "Friedrich List"

•      Faculty of Forest, Geo and Hydro Sciences

4.     Department Medicine

•      Faculty of Medicine Carl Gustav Carus


Program double degree yang akan diselenggarakan adalah program doctor pendidikan vokasi pada fakultas pendidikan (Faculty of Education).  Program pendidikan yang diselenggarakan pada Fakultas Pendidikan TU Dresden;

1. First degree program (Diploma) education, field of study social education/ social work

2. Bachelor of Education, field of study vocational schools

3. Master course of study Childhood Research and Education

4. Post-graduate master course of study Vocational Education and Personnel Capacity Building

5. Extra-occupational course Vocational Education/ professional adult education

6. Post-graduate master course of study Higher Education and Management

7. Post-graduate doctor program in Vocational Education and Educational Technology.
